Charity Supports Students through Tuition Scholarships

by - September 15, 2011

Habele is a US-based scholarship granting organization that supports low-income children in Micronesia.

Habele provides K-12 tuition scholarships to students from the remote Outer Islands of Micronesia to attend prestigious non-public schools in the state capital islands.

The scholarships allow lower income families from isolated communities to make choices about which classroom and school is best suited for their children. It also decreases public school class sizes.

Twenty-four scholarships were awarded for the 2011-12 school year.

The schools they attend include:

Yap State
Saint Mary's School (Grades 1-8)
Yap SDA School (K-12)
Yap Catholic High School (9-12)
Chuuk State
Berea High School (9-12)
Saramen Chuuk High School (9-12)
Pohnpei State
Pohnpei Catholic School (1-8)
Ponhpei SDA School ((K-12)

The 24 students who received tuition support in 2011-12 come from eight different remote islands and atolls across Yap and Chuuk States. Habele had received scholarship applications from other sixty students from all across Micronesia, as well as Palau, the Marshalls and Marianas. The number of scholarships was limited only by Habele's ability to raise funds.

The average scholarship issued in 2011-12 was $350, representing about 70% of these students' tuition. Those total tuition charges ranged from $225 to $740 across the seven schools.

Habele, and all volunteer charity founded by former Peace Corps Volunteers, also supports public school educators through book donations and the development of local language teaching materials


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