School and Library Books Headed to Outer Islands of Yap

by - August 31, 2011

Two dozen boxes of donated school books are headed to students in the Outer Islands Yap.

The donation was coordinated by Habele, an all-volunteer charity that supports K-12 education in the Federated States of Micronesia (FSM). The books came from Woodland Hills Elementary School in California.

Martin Yangirelmar of the Yap State Department of Education wrote to Habele in mid-August:
Here is the good news! The textbooks have finally arrived at the post office [on Yap Proper] today. I went down with some of the neighboring islands school principals and transported the boxes to the storage house to await the ship’s departure later on this month for the final destination. I counted total of 26 boxes today plus the two boxes that came in earlier which add up to 28 boxes in all.

We are happy and are so grateful to you for the tremendous undertaking!
Long-time Habele volunteer Deborah Weiss also worked with Lorenzo Sartilug, the Statewide Neighboring Islands School Administrator for the Department of Education, to ensure the books reach those students most in need.

The books are part of a specific self-sufficient learning program that builds on itself from year to year. They have been loaded onto a field trip ship and should reach classrooms on Ulithi, Fais, Eauripik, Woleai, Ifaluk, Lamotrek and Satawal shortly.

Learn more about these book donations, as well as Habele's K-12 tuition scholarship program, at


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