Habele Board Members visit Yap State

by - January 17, 2009

Two of Habele's directors just returned from a three week trip to Yap and the Yap State Outer Islands to promote awareness of the Habele scholarship and book donation programs.

Photos of the trip can be found here.

In addition to meeting with Habele scholarship recipients, the Directors visited with independent school headmasters, public education officials and local community members. Directors also provided an interview to radio hosts at the local station serving Yap State.

"It was great to renew, expand, and intiate new relationships on Yap and in the Outer Islands," said Marc McNamara of the Habele Outer Island Education Fund. "Based on our meetings and planning sessions with public and independent educators we hope to again expand the scope of our efforts in the next school year."

Habele donors will be pleased to hear that all costs associated with the trip, including airfare and lodging, were paid for by the Directors themselves in the form of in-kind donations.

Learn more about the role of Habele in expanding educational access and accomplishment in the Outer Islands of Yap and Chuuk state at www.habele.org.

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