The Habele Outer Island Education Fund will be releasing its 2008 Annual Report later this week. Board members are in the process of reviewing the final draft and hope to distribute copies to donors and volunteers later this week.
Highlights of Habele's 2008 accomplishments have already been posted to the habele.org website. Among the accomplishments detailed in the report:
Tuition Assistance – SEVEN SCHOLARSHIPS
- Bethania High School, Republic of Palau
- Joeann Malchemar, Junior from Falalop, Ulithi
- SDA School, Yap
- Shania Marpa, Fourth Grade from Mogmog, Ulithi
- Gilmmer Marpa, Second Grade from Mogmog, Ulithi
- Saramen Chuuk Academy, Chuuk, Micronesia
- Parky Mwarike, Freshman from Moch, Chuuk
- Berea High School, Chuuk, Micronesia
- Mavrick Hellmas, Freshman from Ta, Chuuk
- Jodie Sam, Freshman from Kuttu, Chuuk
- Bradley Rubin, Junior from LeKinioch, Chuuk
Public School and Library Support – EIGHT MAILINGS
- Purchased School Supplies – Mailed to Eauripik
- 20 Boxes, Eauripik Community School, 02/25/2008
- Purchased School Supplies – Mailed to Eauripik
- 2 Boxes, Eauripik Community School, 03/16/2008
- Purchased School Supplies – Mailed to Ulithi, Yap
- 4 Boxes, Asor and Falalop Elementary School, 03/16/2008
- Purchased School Supplies – Mailed to Weno, Chuuk
- 4 Boxes, Moch Elementary School, 06/17/2008
- Donated Shirts – Mailed to Ulithi
- 4 Boxes, Outer Island Elementary School, 07/01/2008
- Purchased Library Supplies – Mailed to Eauripik
- 2 Boxes, Eauripik Community School, 10/12/2008
- Purchased School Supplies
- 2 Boxes, Fais and Wooleai Elementary Schools, 11/12/2008
- Donated School Supplies – Mailed to Yap
- 2 boxes, Students attending SDA School, 12/10/2008