Top Grades for Micronesia's Habele Scholars

by - November 14, 2016

Habele scholarship recipients in three Micronesian States are reporting their first quarter grades and have much to be proud of!

The students attend private primary and secondary schools in the FSM capitols through k-12 tuition scholarships awarded by the Habele Outer Island Education Fund.

"This is an exciting time and the hard work of these ambitious students is a source of great pride," explained Stephen Replogle, a Habele Director. "Investments in human capital are essential to growth and prosperity in Micronesia, a strategic US ally spanning the Western Pacific."

Since 2006, Habele has provided over $68,000 in tuition assistance for families, funding individual students, not districts or schools. It has also sent thousand of boxes of donated books for school libraries and provisioned after school and extracurricular programs with specialty tools and equipment

Established by former Peace Corps volunteers, Habele is a US based nonprofit, advancing educational access and accomplishment in Micronesian communities. In addition to tuition scholarships and student exchange programs, Habele supports innovative student mentorship programs, hands-on STEM instruction, and youth athletic leagues.


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