Send Books Now to Micronesian Readers

by - October 19, 2016

Students and families on Ulithi Atoll and Fais Island want to read. Will you send them books?

Stephen Guertler, a Peace Corps Volunteer, hopes you will. Serving as a school based librarian on the Island of Fedraey (Federai), he has sought Habele's help in putting books in the hands of eager Island readers.

Fedraey is a tiny island on the Atoll of Ulithi, an "Outer Island" of Yap State, Micronesia. Guertler and his peers on Falalop, Ulithi, neighboring Fais Island, and the State Capital of Yap Proper, are working hard to provide students and community members with access to relevant reading materials.

Micronesia was liberated from Japanese Occupation in the Pacific War and remains a staunch American ally. The former US dependency is guaranteed millions in structured annual aid and access to US agency funds in return for exclusive US military use and base rights through a “Compact of Free Association.” In practice though, few resources reach the most remote communities, of the sort where Guertler now lives and works.

Along with Palau and the Marshall Islands, the Federated States of Micronesia is termed a "Freely Associated State" (FAS). These tiny Western Pacific islands and their waters flank the US forward defense perimeter. They dominate international sea-lanes to Southeast Asia and the South Pacific, holding special significance for America's Pivot to the Pacific. They are home to some of the most isolated and traditional communities on the planet.

Habele is a 501(c)3 nonprofit dedicated to the advancement of educational opportunities in the remote islands and atolls of Micronesia. Created by former Peace Corps Volunteers, we provide literacy donations, tuition scholarships, student exchanges, and support for extracurricular programs across Micronesia.

It is easy for you to help:

Either, you can gather books, box them up, and send the weight, dimensions, and number of books to Habele (701 Gervais, Ste 150-244, Columbia SC 29201), which will provide you pre-paid postal labels, address stickers and import documentation;
You can make a financial donation to Habele that will pay for the purchase of books and the costs of sending others' donations! Visit and click on the Paypal link to the right.


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