Great news reaches Habele from Francis Yarofalyango, a junior at Yap Catholic High School (YCHS). Francis has earned honors for perfect attendance and a high average across all six of his first quarter courses!
Francis is a native of Lamotrek an isolated, low lying coral atoll in Micronesia. Through his Habele Scholarship, he is able to attend a prestigious independent school on Yap Proper, the more populous State Capital.
Like many Habele scholars, Francis also participates in Habele sponsored enrichment and extracurricular programs, such as sports leagues and robotics teams. He even had a hand in the crafting of the US-FSM Friendship Canoe, which just arrived in South Carolina.
Francis -or "Cisco" to his teachers and close friends- is emblematic of the ambitious, driven students Habele seeks to support.
"Cisco had a tremendous quarter," explained Mr. Wiencek, the Yap Catholic Algebra II and Trigonometry Instructor. "He worked very hard for his grade and was a great help to his classmates during collaborative assignments." Social Studies teacher Mr. Mailen adds "Francis' passion to learn about history is obvious and it has driven him to excel."