Habele Scholar Earns Straight A's

by - March 25, 2013

All of Habele’s scholarship recipients have a lot to be proud of, but no one more than 2nd grader Kyle Taitiw.

That’s because Kyle is the only Habele scholarship student reporting a perfect 4.0 GPA on his second-semester report card!

Thanks to excellent instruction from the staff at St. Mary’s School in Yap, and a lot of hard work, Kyle is off to an inspiring start to the school year. Habele’s directors look forward to seeing more great things from Kyle in the future.

Without scholarship assistance from Habele, it is unlikely that Kyle’s academic aptitudes would ever be developed. That’s because Kyle is a native of the tiny undeveloped atoll of Woleai, which lies more than 400 miles east of Yap. There is incredible natural beauty on Woleai, but few opportunities for academic growth.

There are many children on Micronesia’s remote Outer Islands as eager to learn as Kyle, but little – if any – opportunity to cultivate that interest. Thanks to the generosity of our donors, Habele is currently helping twenty-five children from the Outer Islands attend school. That’s a record number of scholarship recipients for Habele, but the need is still great.

Please consider how your generous donation to Habele could open up a new world of learning for another child like Kyle.


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