Micronesian Scholarship Winners Report Progress

by - February 15, 2013

"My family joins me in extending our deepest appreciation for your generous support. I'm looking forward to work extra harder (sic) throughout this school year. in return for your support and to make good use of the money's you've spent on my tuition. Thanks!"
That's what Habele scholarship student, Charlene Regalishyei, had to say after earning high marks on her first semester report card.
Recipients of the 2012-13 Habele Tuition Scholarships are proudly reporting their academic progress by sending copies of their first semester grades and awards to the US-based charity. Most recently, Habele directors received the enthusiastic letter from Charlene Regalishyei, a sophomore attending the Yap Catholic High School. Regalishyei is a native of the remote Atoll of Eauripik, an island that has enjoyed support from Habele through its libraries and literacy program.

Charlene earned both a certificate for "second honors" as the result of her high grades as well as a certificate recognizing her perfect attendance throughout the first semester.

Habele Board Director Neil Mellen was quick to make a connection. "There is an obvious link between Miss Regalishyei's excellent attendance and her great grades. Being in class ready to learn each day is key, Mellen continued. "That's why we are supporting the Waa'gey Arts and Crafts programs and the High School Robotics Teams; extracurricular programs that engage students drive better classroom attendance and higher grades."

Charlene is one of twenty five students across Micronesia (FSM) who will be reporting their progress to Habele as part of their tuition scholarship agreement this month.

Learn more about the Habele scholarship program, as well as the literacy and extracurricular projects, at www.habele.org.


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