Fundraising for Micronesian Scholarships

by - June 06, 2010

This has been a banner year for Habele, and now we need your help in keeping our commitments to the ambitious students of Micronesia’s Outer Islands.

Since January, we’ve delivered over 60 huge boxes of books to public schools on remote islands. We’ve also published and distributed a first-of-its-kind Ulithian to English Dictionary for students on Ulithi and Fais. 

Now we are looking toward August 1st, when Habele announces its 2010-2011 Student Scholarships – and we need your help! 

These scholarships offer students from remote islands and low-income families equal access to the quality instruction provided by Micronesia’s most effective private schools.
The need is dire. Over 1/3rd of Micronesians now live below the basic needs poverty line. Just 1-in-10 Micronesians who enroll in the College of Micronesia graduate on time. These nationwide statistics only hint at the conditions in the more isolated Outer Islands. 

Habele’s K-12 student scholarships are not a quick fix… but they are a great start. They serve a locally-defined need and raise broader community expectations of the power and utility of formal education. The scholarships are a targeted, transparent and effective form of support for the most challenged segment of Micronesia’s population.

There are 16 Habele scholarships from the 2009-10 school year that we hope to renew. There are literally dozens more additional applicants this year. 

The need far exceeds our ability to meet it, but at a minimum we are determined to keep our 16 existing students enrolled next year. Average tuition at the schools where Habele scholars attend is just over $500 next year. In addition to the 16 scholarship renewals, our hope is provide a further three awards to the most deserving of the new applicants.

Please, consider making a donation to Habele today. Remember, we are an all-volunteer charity, with no paid employees. We are also an IRS-recognized charity, so you may be eligible for a tax deduction. 

Then, and this is just as important, please let your friends and family know that you support Habele. Tell them about the great work we are doing in Micronesia’s remote Outer Islands. Ask them to visit Our only hope of growing, and expanding this important work, comes through your own ongoing commitment to the students of the Outer Islands.
Thank you for your support,
Neil J. Mellen
President, Board of Directors
Habele Outer Island Education Fund


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