Habele Students at SDA School, Yap

by - February 24, 2010

Educators at the SDA School on Yap are reporting that Habele's scholarships students there are excelling in their studies.

Praise for the students came along with copies of report cards, individual progress letters, and photos of the children both in the classroom and outside during recess.

School Principal Nicholas Fonseka reports that none of the students, whose home islands include Fais, Woleai, and Ulithi, received any type of disciplinary marks or behavior citations during the last semester.

Each of the students comes from an Outer Island family, and has received a full-tuition scholarship from the Habele Outer Island Education Fund to attend the prestigious SDA School.

Yap is one of four states in the Federated States of Micronesia (FSM), a central Pacific nation with close historical ties to the United States.

Photos of Shania (5th Grade), Abraham (9th), Annaliza (2nd), Ronald (10th) and Denianne (5th), along with other Habele scholars attending school on Chuuk and Pohnpei, can be found here.


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