Applications for Habele Scholarships Arrive

by - March 03, 2009

The Habele Outer Island Education Fund is already receiving applications for its 2009-10 tuition scholarships. Here is a letter that recently arrived:

February 6, 2009

Dear Sir,

Enclosed here in is my grand daughter's application for the Habele scholarship Fund. My grand-daughter Marciana Lagielig is currently enrolling in the first grade at St. Mary School here in Colonia Yap. Her total tuition cost for one school year is $225 and a monthly payment of $25 a month is a must for everyone. If a student is late in paying the monthly tuition, he/she stops from coming to school until such payment is made. This, I find it difficult to do and so that's why I'm applying for assistance through the Habele Outer Islands Education Fund.

St. Mary School is a private Catholic institution operated by the Jesuit Missionaries in conjunction with the local communities and their board of Director. The school is from grade 1 to 8 and is one of the best school in the state as compare with the public elementary schools and other private schools in the state of yap.

Along with the application itself, I'm also enclosing some other supporting documents such as a recent Report Card for Marciana, messages from both the school principal and the first grade teachers. I hope they can be of any help to you in your deliberation on the matter and in making a favorable decision.

Should there be any further clarification and or questions, please feel free to write or call me at telephone 350- 2151. Thank you for your time and efforts and I will certainly look forward to your reply.

Signed, Martin Yangirelman

You can help Marciana Lagielig attend school on Yap by making a donation to Habele here.

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