Habele and Northern Pacific News

by - November 19, 2007

Habele volunteers from a public high school in Upland California continue to gather books for students at the Outer Island High School in Yap State, Micronesia. The most recent shipment included text books for Chemistry 1, Economics, U.S. Government, AP Biology, and Human Biology, as well as basic classroom materials such as pens, pencils, and notebooks.

The United States Postal Service has announced the resumption of domestic postal rates for addresses in the Northern Pacific.

Pacific Magazine reports that the United States Congress has passed Amendments to the Compact of Free Association. The House Bill, HR 2705, can be viewed here. Among the highlights:

The U.S. Agency for International Development (US AID) will take the role formerly held by the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) in providing post disaster relief to Micronesia and other freely associated states.

The Amendment also clarify the eligibility of citizens of Freely Associated States (FAS) residing in states or territories to receive the legal assistance provided by the Legal Services Corporation.

Pohnpei is now home to an office of the Western and Central Pacific Fisheries Commission intended to monitor and conserve critically-low levels of highly migratory fish stocks in the high seas of the Pacific.

Palauan politician and Governor Benigno R. Fitial publicly lamented the split of former trust territory islands.

The 8th Annual Western Micronesia Chief Executive Summit is being held in Saipan. Discussions are focused on privatization, alternative energy, and conservation.

The Habele Outer Island Education Fund is a US-based non-profit organization dedicated to the expansion of educational opportunity and accomplishment in the remote outer islands of Micronesia, a former US Trust Territory in the Central Pacific.

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