Habele Annual Report Mailed

by - January 16, 2007

This week Habele is mailing its inaugural annual report! The document details the Fund's accomplishments in promoting educational opportunity and success in the Outer Islands of Micronesia.

In FY 2006 the Fund received over $4,400 in donations from individual donors across the United States and Micronesia. All our US donors are eligible to claim these gifts as deductions, in accordance with our tax-exempt 501©3 status.

These gifts financed two complete scholarships (tuition and board) for Outer Island students studying in Palau. Habele also mailed five separate shipments of school supplies to Atolls from Ulithi to Eauripik. The Fund received school supplies and basic clothing from a range of individual and group donors, and spent over $200.00 to purchase additional educational materials. International postage fees for all these donations exceeded $130.00. These include the t-shirts donated by Rick Quinn, such as the one worn by a student at Falalop Ulithi Elementary School in the picture above.

The report includes pictures of students enjoying book donations, as well as personal letters of thanks from our scholarship award winners. For full details you can request a copy of the report by visiting www.habele.org and clicking on “email” to contact the fund.

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