Habele is also working with students from the University of South Carolina who are compiling donations of clothing for Outer Island students. If you are interested in helping, please let us know!
In regional news…
Former Governor of Yap State John Mangefel died at age 75. In addition to serving as the state’s first Chief Executive, Mangefel played a major role in the US-run TTPI administration of the district, and he served in both chambers of the FSM’s National Legislature. Mangel was a staunch advocate of a formal Palau-Yap Union.
Island leaders concluded the PIJAAG summit on HIV in Pohnpei. Initial discussions focused on regional initiatives, with particular emphasis on increasing the support of agencies such as the Centers for Disease Control for the Pacific Regional Strategy on HIV.
The Federated States of Micronesia reiterated its concern about global climate change at the United Nations. The discussion was part of a Security Council debate on the topic.
Guam’s Pacific Daily News published an article about Chuukese-born Micronesians who are living in Guam. The author notes that transition difficulties [can] occur when Chuukese cultural mannerisms clash with those of Western society. The paper also points out that the population of Chuukese is the fastest growth segment on Guam.
Green Valley News in Arizona reported on local resident Dr. Lee Vensel’s Navy experiences in the Pacific, including time spent on Ulithi.